Outreach #2: Calling All Makers Workshop
To engage the HUMM Institute ecosystem and engage younger girls in business-entrepreneurship, the HUMM Institute ambassadors invited local middle school girls to a workshop in the fall of 2023 called the "Calling All Makers!" Middle school "makers" with businesses, business ideas or an interest in business were encouraged to attend. Led by the two cohorts of HUMM Institute ambassadors, the middle schoolers brought their ideas to be expanded upon during the afternoon.
The HUMM ambassadors got to work designing logos, building packaging, writing business plans, creating social media presences and leading the middle school makers through the business process. It was a exhilarating event with an abundance of collaboration happening throughout the engineering design space. The makers left the workshop with a multitude of tools to build out their businesses, which included bakeries, jewelry stores, board games, babysitting services and more.